• This is slide 2 description. Go to Edit HTML of your blogger blog. Find these sentences. You can replace these sentences with your own words.
  • This is slide 3 description. Go to Edit HTML of your blogger blog. Find these sentences. You can replace these sentences with your own words.
  • This is slide 4 description. Go to Edit HTML of your blogger blog. Find these sentences. You can replace these sentences with your own words.
  • This is slide 5 description. Go to Edit HTML of your blogger blog. Find these sentences. You can replace these sentences with your own words.

Wednesday, November 23, 2022

Thursday, November 17, 2022

شلیک مستقیم نیروهای امنیتی به مردم محبوس در واگن قطار متروی تهران

 ویدئو که در روزهای اخیر در شبکه‌های اجتماعی منتشر شده نشان می‌دهد که ماموران امنیتی جمهوری اسلامی به مردم معترضِ محبوس در واگن‌های قطار مترو حمله مسلحانه و مستقیم شلیک می‌کنند.

Tuesday, November 15, 2022

01/oct/2022 گزارش تصویری از اعتراض به قتل عمد و آشکار مهسا( ژینا) امینی و دیگر ایرانیان به دست رژیم آدمکش جمهوری اسلامی گوتنبرگ .

Reza Behpouri, Baptist in Smyrna Church 28/08/2011

Paul gave God’s greatest answer to man’s greatest question by relating Christ’s greatest news. “Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and you will be saved, you, and your household” (Acts 16:31).  This answer has two parts:  Blessing promised: Will be saved. Condition required: Believe on Jesus. Controversy has surrounded  Acts 16:31 , but it should not. This passage is one of the great verses of the New Testament. It fits perfectly with all the gospel says of man’s response to God’s grace .